Parking Lot Repair in Dartmouth

Cracks, potholes, and uneven pavement reflect badly on your home or business. The state of damaged asphalt also tends to worsen if left unattended. If the parking lot on your property has fallen into disrepair, it is important to have the issue addressed right away.

The team of paving contractors at Pro Stars Property Maintenance have been conducting parking lot repair, for properties throughout the Dartmouth area for years.  No matter the size or severity of the damage, our team has the tools and expertise to get the job done in no time.

Set up an appointment with our pavement professionals today by calling (902) 210-7054.


Asphalt Repair: Assessing the Damage

Once you make that call, we will send one of our pavement experts to your property to evaluate the damage at hand. The estimator will access the asphalt and get an idea of the work required to remediate the issue. We will then come up with an accurate estimate for the overall cost of the asphalt repair. Depending on the gravity of the damage and the budget you are working with, there are several different repair options to choose, and we’ll lay them all out for you during our consultation.

Damaged asphalt? What are you waiting for? Call us today before the damage escalates!

Asphalt Parking Lot Repair: The Work We Do

At Pro Stars Property Maintenance, we specialize in pothole repair and asphalt crack filler. Many different methods can be used to get thorough and long-lasting results. The two main repair methods are as follows.

Infrared Patching

Infrared patching is a budget-friendly repair option that involves heating and remelting the damaged asphalt, raking it, and compacting it back into place. This method is a quick and efficient way to get the job done.

Full-Depth Asphalt Repair

This method involves cutting and removing damaged asphalt, repairing the structural base, and replacing the asphalt with a fresh hot pour. This method is thorough and long-lasting.

Whichever method we use, we promise that it will deliver long-lasting, seamless results.

Our Parking Lot Repair Company

Homeowners and business owners throughout the local area have been trusting our asphalt specialists to bring them stunning results for years. We are committed to not only meeting but exceeding the expectations of our customers by providing services that are affordable and high-quality.


All of our asphalt specialists have been working in the industry for years. We have developed a keen knowledge of our trade, and use only the industries best tools, techniques, and products when working on your property.

Asphalt damage can occur due to a variety of factors such as access moisture, varying weather conditions, excessive loads, and heavy contact. When unexpected issues occur, our team of professionals is just a phone call away.


We appreciate everyone’s business. That’s why we continue to strive to have the lowest asphalt repair prices in town.

Count on Our Parking Lot Repair Services

For years, Pro Stars Property Maintenance has been providing unparalleled parking lot repair to property owners throughout the Dartmouth area. With services that are fast, affordable, and always top-quality, we guarantee you’ll be satisfied.

To set up a property assessment, give us a call today.